Dance classes for all levels, ages and body types.
Armando and Lisa Braswell
Aeschenvorstadt 52
4051 Basel
41 61 271 2156
Balletto | Balletto classico | Contemporary Dance | Danza Contemporanea | Danza Jazz | Danza Moderna | Danza per bambini | Funky Jazzdance | Kids dance | Modern Jazzdance
Here is your chance to join Basel’s popular dance community! Inclusive dance classes with live music for all levels, all ages and all body types.
Lead by Juilliard graduate and Ballet Theater Basel soloist Armando Braswell, and his team of quality artists.
With our unique abo system, our members are welcome to join any class on our class schedule whenever it suits them best. By doing this, we can better accommodate changing schedules, travel plans, illness, etc. and also allow for our members to have a more full experience by trying different styles of dance if they like!
To register, please click the button below or send an email to [email protected].
We look forward to hearing from you!